Art from the Heart
Art Classes
Painting Art Class
Introduction to Fine Art Painting
Adult Class
Aug 26th - Sept 30th
6 Week Course
Mondays 1pm- 3pm
Registration end Aug 19th
Classes Location:
The FirePlayce
517 W. 5th st. #108
Pueblo, Co. 81003
Learn fundamental building blocks to create your own masterpiece.
Classes will begin with a short lesson then students will apply that lesson to their painting. At the beginning of the second class students will present their completed pieces. Students will complete 6 paintings by the end of this course.
We will start with fundamentals such as line and shape and will quickly move to understanding scale and proportion as well as many other key concepts to creating your own piece.
The week after the final class a Student Gallery will be held to display student’s pieces. Food and drink will be served. Students are encouraged to invite their friends and family.
$120- Full Course
$150- Full Course with Provided Supplies
(provided supplies includes, paints, brushes, palette, and canvas)
Intro to Fine Art Painting Supplies List
Supplies Needed:
Acrylic Paint - Preferred brands (Master’s Touch, Liquitex, Basics, Winsor and Newton, Golden)
Paint Colors Needed:
Titanium White
Cadmium Red
Primary Yellow
Cobalt Blue
Hookers Green
Permanent Black OR Carbon Black OR Iron Black
6 Canvas’ 24 x 30
Variety Pack Brush Set, Acrylic or All Purpose (6-12 piece)
Palette Knife
Paper Palette Pad/ Disposable Plates
Not Required but Recommended